To promote and defend the values of economic freedom, individual empowerment, and responsible governance in Australia.


We are committed to expanding freedom, hope, and opportunities for every Australian, regardless of their circumstances. We will support institutions that embrace this vision and stand firm against those who seek more control for themselves. We will support and promote candidates and causes that, regardless of political affiliation, share our passion for empowering Australians with greater hope and opportunity. By uniting those who believe in this cause, we can drive meaningful change and create a better future for all.

What Australians for Prosperity believes in:

Australians for Prosperity believes in:

We know Australia’s success is dependent on its people’s success, and we believe in our Australia’s success.
We know an open economy founded on private property, reward for effort, high employment and non-distortionary taxation that encourages work, savings and investment in the future is the best way for Australia to prosper.
We know that the private sector creates jobs and opportunity, entrepreneurs are required for business dynamism and that reward requires risk and responsibility.  
We know the dignity of work and competition unleash the best in commerce and that all large businesses are just successful small businesses.
We know that the economy is there to work for people, and that when people are able to stand on their own two feet, they are in the best position to help others do the same, that mutually supportive families are the greatest form of social welfare, and home ownership is the foundation of economic security at all stages of life.
We know complex, distortionary and punitive tax policies and regulation undermines investment and economic progress, and harms Australia’s competitiveness globally.
We know free trade is essential for Australia’s future and that constraints on supply chains should be limited to what is necessary to secure the nation.
We know that Australia’s economic strength is built on primary industries that generate the wealth and bounty we share, that primary industries are essential for a competitive manufacturing sector, and that both are needed to support a services sector where most Australians work and derive their livelihood.
We know environmental sustainability is essential to Australia’s future economy and the continued social license of industries to operate.
We believe in the decentralisation of power and that choice in governance is as important as choice in the marketplace because only competition will keep costs lower, raise standards and quality and empower citizens and consumers.
We believe that the right to govern comes from the people, not from the elites. We believe that individuals thrive when they are free to make their own decisions. Governments must serve those who elect them, not the other way around.
We know Australia’s best days can be ahead of it, but it depends on continually supporting policies at a state and national level that encourage investment in the future, a strong economy, low taxation and flexible workplace arrangements.


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